ZOOM Online Yoga Church

It will return in September!


Why call it “church”?
We understand the church to be a meaningful community of people connecting with God, one another, and sharing God’s love with the world.
Yoga Church is one way we offer that opportunity at the Vine.

What happens at Online Yoga Church?

1. Gathering: We gather as community, center ourselves, and focus on our breathing and God’s presence before us, around us, and ahead of us.
2. The Word: Through the guided practice of yoga, the Word is shared through brief meditation, movement, music, and prayer.
3. Response: We respond to God with our intent, our prayers, and an invitation to the communion table.
4. Sending: We center ourselves again, absorbing the love and freedom God offers us – and offering that love to the world.

Who Leads Yoga Church?

Partnering with Vine’s clergy, Robin Bourdeau brings her lifetime of experience in health and fitness to our community. Like so many, she has experienced trauma, demanding careers, and battling obesity. She gives God all the glory for overcoming and being where she is today and desires to share that with the world. She is a certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor, nutrition coach, and YogaFaith Master Trainer.

How Much Does Yoga Church Cost?

Nothing! All are welcome. “Wait – you mean I can receive free yoga instruction every week and build community/faith?” Yes! Just like all of our worship services – this is a free invitation to join us any time.

What Ages Can Participate?

Ages 12 and up are welcome to participate in Yoga Church.

What If I Am...?

You can come. Yoga Church is for all ages, all genders, all body types, all people, and all experience levels. You are welcome to join us as we worship God, learn, and grow. YOU belong here!

What Should I Wear to Yoga Church?

Whatever is most comfortable for you! Yoga pants & workout clothes are welcome!

Ephesians 2:20-22

“Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”